Le cicche delle sigarette sono velenose per piante e animali e impiegano decenni a biodegradarsi.
Salviamo le nostre spiagge, i nostri sentieri, le nostre strade, i nostri monumenti.
Ciascuno di noi può fare la differenza.
Non gettare mai una cicca, mai!
Leggere e diffondere, per favore.
Chewing gums are virtually indestructible, did you know?
Cigarette butts are poisonous to plants and animals and take decades to biodegrade.
Save our beaches, our strails, our roads, our monuments.
Each of us can make the difference.
Never throw away a gum, a butt, never!
Read and share.
Cigarette butts are poisonous to plants and animals and take decades to biodegrade.
Save our beaches, our strails, our roads, our monuments.
Each of us can make the difference.
Never throw away a gum, a butt, never!
Read and share.
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